Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Jonquil's Turn

Jonquil's still not quite sure why I "chose" Juniper for the Flickr 365 Blythe Challenge (the challenge is to post a photograph of the same doll, every day, for one year).  I'm not sure either.  It wasn't a conscious decision.  Juniper had just arrived, I photographed her, loved the way she photographed and leapt in, which is pretty much my MO.  Carpe Diem and all that!

However, Jonquil too shines behind a lens.  I've mentioned that one of the facets of this very rewarding hobby I'm enjoying the most is photography.  I'm learning to take photographs properly (not just on auto or with my cameraphone) and I love how the girls' eyes and hair react with different light levels.  

So without further ado, here's the gorgeous Jonquil, RBL Simply Love Me (Takara 2012 release).  Jonquil has a fairly laid-back, edgy style, and really doesn't like to brush or style her hair.


Jonquil with her namesake

Very subtle changes in focus between these two

Jonquil wearing the Sugar Blocks Breakfast Club dress with KMT stock boots (Jonquil LOVES Bender!)

Jonquil wearing Orange & Spice stock dress, and Jemgirl boots.

This is my favourite photograph of Jonquil.  I think it's the mix of bright colours, flowers, and a little wire giraffe.


  1. Lovely photos! She looks so cute with those daffodils, I posted photos of my new custom girl on my blog, I felt quite brave or should I say nervous posting them since I don't really have any readers who like Blythe, but I love her so much! I hope you can stop by and see her.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comments. It's quite a thing - the first Blythe posting - especially as not everyone "gets the love". That in itself still amazes me, how much I love my dolls LOL! A few years ago I'd never have thought I could type that sentence and mean it!!! I'm off to your blog now <3
