Sunday, 6 April 2014

My First Blythe-versary!

One year ago today I ordered a Blythe doll.  

I'd never seen a Blythe doll in real life.  I couldn't tell a Kenner from a Takara Blythe, let alone distinguish between the different face moulds.  I didn't know what a limited release was, and I had no idea what a custom doll was.  I had, however, won 3 Blythe jumpers in a give-away, which I took to be a good omen.

And then Rosabela Liliane arrived:

My beautiful RBL MPG (I love her to bits).  Rosabela needed a friend.  Enter Iolanthe, the fashion-conscious party girl - RBL Cappucino Chat.  

And then Merrily (Silver Snow - for ages I thought she was an RBL but now I know she's a lovely SBL).  Marissa was followed closely by my very special Saffron Grace Bee (Saffy)- RBL Prima Dolly Saffy.  

And then many girls.  All carefully chosen, one or two on a whim, like Meredith Taisie (RBL - Sadie Sprinkle) and Linnet (SBL Odekake Kimono Museme).  

So, to celebrate my first Blythe-versary, here are my girls.  It's also coincided with Dolly Shelf Sunday on Flickr, something I've yet to do.  

I couldn't fit everyone in this shot so:

SBL Love.  L-R:  SMF - Renee, OKM - Linnet, SS - Merrily, MRM - Marissa, ILYIT - Iseult, VS - Jaime.  I forgot PWP - Niamh, so here she is doing her catwalk strut:

SBL PWP- Niamh

EBL Love.  L-R:  BBA - Lyssa, LM - Madison, DB - Harley, CT - Rosamund, FruPu - Daria.

And then:

The RBLs:  L-R standing:  UC - Dakota, ETC - Juniper, PDS - Saffy, SD - Jonquil, MPG - Rosabela, CC - Iolanthe, SD twins Storm and Solange, PDWW - Paige.  L-R seated:  SaSpr - Meredith, KMT - Tatiana, Mango - Horatia; TBL - Peony

and not quite last:

My only BL, Hero (who's having the longest bad-hair-day in history!).   

And after a year of Blythe-ing?  Welll, I can speak the language fairly fluently.  I've spent a lot of money, I've spent a lot of time on Flickr.  My photography's improving - it's proving to be one of the most enjoyable aspects of my new hobby.  My girls have all remained with me (except for an FBL and a TBL), and are all completely stock except for PDWW Paige, who's hair I bobbed upon return from Blythecon UK 2013 - feeling inspired.  I've hosted a beautiful Traveling Blythe, James, created by the talented Saience.    
James, the Traveling Blythe
I've learnt to crochet, knit and sew small things.  I've stepped out of my comfort zone and joined on-line forums and groups on FB.  Most importantly, I've met LOVELY people, both on-line and for real.  People I really enjoy spending time with, and I only wish I could meet them all.  

Who knew - from one doll (and three little jumpers) - all this.  I feel blessed.  

Happy Blythe-versary! 

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